categories: [Design]

This is my first jekyll theme decorated by my favorite items – blue and ice bear. It’s welcomed to give me a star at github if you like it.


  • Fork the repository. <iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170px" height="20px"></iframe>
  • Edit _config.yml file.
  • Add your own social_science in _includes/social_science.html.
  • Change domain name in CNAME.
  • Replace favicon.ico with your website icon.
  • Change avatar.jpg and cartoon-avatar.jpg in assets/images.
  • Edit and

I use two categories for posts in my blog, Tech and Life. If you want to add other categories, remember to modify _includes/post-list-pagination, _layouts/post-list.html and assets/js/script.js to add Tabs and Paginations for every category posts.

Style test

italic. bold. italic and bold. delete line. link.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Heading 3 in Blockquotes

Normal Blockquotes text.

  • Unordered List in Blockquotes.
  1. Ordered List in Blockquotes.
  • Unordered List.
    • Unordered List.
  1. Ordered List
    1. Ordered List
    2. Ordered List
  2. Ordered List
// Ruby codes

require 'parallel' do |chunk|
table table table table table
This is table This is table This is table This is table This is table
This is table This is table This is table This is table This is table