git相关工具的安装和使用,如 Git Bash
二、git 工具
01 Git Desktop
download code:
download pckage:
02 Git Bash
Git Bash 是一个在 Windows 系统上模拟 Linux 环境的命令行界面,是一个完整的命令行环境,可以像普通的Unix或Linux终端一样执行各种命令。
1. Git Bash修改默认打开之后的路径
03 git flow
git flow
is a branch manage tool to help team manage and realease program better. Use command below to install it on ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install git-flow
: 永远保持稳定和可发布的状态develop
: 用于集成所有的开发分支; 代表了最新的开发进度; 功能分支、发布分支和修复分支都从这里分支出去,最终合并回这里feature
: 用于开发新功能; 从 develop 分支创建,开发完成后合并回 develop 分支; 命名规范feature/feature-name
: 用于准备新版本的发布; 从 develop 分支创建,进行最后的测试和修复,然后合并回 develop 和 master 分支,并打上版本标签; 命名规范release/release-name
: 用于修复紧急问题; 从 master 分支创建,修复完成后合并回 master 和 develop 分支,并打上版本标签; 命名规范hotfix/hotfix-name
work flow
git flow init
# 开发新功能
git flow feature start new-feature
git flow feature finish new-feature
# 测试和修复
git flow release start v1.0.0
git flow release finish v1.0.0
# 修复紧急问题
git flow hotfix start hotfix-1.0.1.
git flow hotfix finish hotfix-1.0.1
04 git emoji
Emoji | Code | Usage |
🎉 | :tada: |
Initial commit or celebration. |
✨ | :sparkles: |
Introducing a new feature. |
🐛 | :bug: |
Fixing a bug. |
🔥 | :fire: |
Removing code or files. |
📝 | :memo: |
Writing docs or updating comments. |
🚑 | :ambulance: |
Quick fix (hotfix). |
♻️ | :recycle: |
Refactoring code. |
🔨 | :hammer: |
Developing or modifying tools. |
🚀 | :rocket: |
Performance improvements. |
✅ | :white_check_mark: |
Adding tests. |
📦 | :package: |
Adding or updating dependencies. |
💄 | :lipstick: |
Improving UI or cosmetic changes. |
🐎 | :racehorse: |
Improving performance. |
🔧 | :wrench: |
Modifying configurations. |
🌟 | :star: |
Improving existing functionality. |
⚙️ | :gear: |
Configuration-related changes. |
🚚 | :truck: |
Moving or renaming files. |
🔒 | :lock: |
Fixing security issues. |
🗑️ | :wastebasket: |
Removing deprecated code. |