C-style formatting
std::size_t value = 42;
printf("Value is: %zu\n", value);
long unsigned int value = 100000;
printf("Value is: %lu\n", value);
- The
manipulator forces the output stream to display floating-point numbers in fixed-point notation. ```C++ std::size_t value = 42; std::cout « “Value is: “ « value « std::endl;
long unsigned int value = 100000; std::cout « “Value is: “ « value « std::endl;
double number = 123.456789;
/* The std::setprecision(int n)
manipulator sets the number of digits to appear after the decimal point when used with std::fixed
. In this example, exactly 3 digits will be displayed after the decimal point.
std::cout « std::fixed « std::setprecision(3) « number « std::endl; // output 123.457
/* If you remove std::fixed and use std::setprecision(3) alone, the precision will apply to the total number of significant digits, which can result in scientific notation or fewer decimal places based on the number’s magnitude. */
2. ge
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
// Clear the last output using '\r' and print new content
// \r (Carriage Return): Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line without advancing to a new line.
// std::flush: Ensures the output is sent to the terminal immediately.
std::cout << "\rProgress: " << i << "%" << std::flush;
// Simulate work
std::format (C++20)
std::size_t value = 42;
std::cout << std::format("Value is: {}\n", value);
long unsigned int value = 100000;
std::cout << std::format("Value is: {}\n", value);